Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"The only way to have peace in a relationship is to know how to butter your own bread."- Ra-Ha

Usually at the beginning of the year, we make resolutions and think about how we want our lives to look in the upcoming year. Around Lent, we have another opportunity to make a list of things that are not good for us that we need to let go of. But then what happens at the rest of the year? Do we not continue to reassess those things in our lives that we are allowing to prohibit growth?

Realistically, we should make sure that we are always conscious of cleaning the closet. A good rule of thumb is to do assess your goals and your relationships at the start of every season. Decide what is working for you and what's not working for you. Decide what you are willing to put up with and what needs to go. It's amazing how many of us will clean our closets of clothing or uneccessary items that have been stockpiled by the end of the season, but we don't make the same dedication to setting personal development and career goals or assessing relationships.

Here's how to get started:

Are there people in your life that don't give but are always ready to receive?
Are there people in your life that bring uneccessary drama and negative or draining energy?
Are there people in your life that are not supportive or are a friend only when it is convenient for them?

Personal Development:
On a scale of 1-5 (5 is highest, 1 lowest) how satisfied are you with your job/ career?
How often do you set and reassess your goals?
Where do you envision yourself in the next 5 years? What steps do you have to take to get there?

Today's challenge: Answer the above questions and start to recognize those things/ people that are positive in your life and those things that need to be removed.

Peace and Blessings,

Want to read more on how to Live Your Best Life?
Click here http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/50448

Friday, September 2, 2011

Haters Everywhere We Go

Have you ever met someone who never really has anything positive to say? The type of person who always shoots down an idea or can't quite understand why you think so far outside of the box.

You probably are at the point where you don't even share anything with them. You may avoid spending time around them. Don't be too hard on them. They are allowing the spirit of jealousy and envy to take over.

If you recognize that, its easier to choose to not deal with the person at all, or just keep them at a comfortable arm's length distance. Don't let their spirit have power over you as it has power over them.

Today's challenge: When you recognize negative spirits in others, give them only positive vibes, no matter what. You can't fight hate with more hate.
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