Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Finding Middle Ground

Everything in life is about balance. Good and Evil. Happy and Sad. It's usually made up of two extremes with no mention of the middle ground. Finding that middle ground is what creates a sense of peace within us.

By nature, I'm a pretty outspoken person. If you know me, you usually don't have to wonder how I feel about something or someone. That can be a good thing. But it can also be a point of contention for me. A lot of people don't know how to deal with a person that speaks their mind, but at the same time, an opinion is not always needed.

In my early 20s I heard two quotes that stuck with me. "Pick and choose your battles" and "Strength is sometimes the purr of a cat and not the roar of a lion". I learned that there is a time and place to speak up and a way to do so so that people will hear what you are trying to say. So a part of me started to pull back and not speak my mind because I didn't know how to find balance between my impulse to speak up and the need to be heard.

Now in my 30s I realize that there can be a balance. In order to feel a sense of peace, there has to be balance. I understand that there is power in silence, but a need to set boundaries with people so you teach them how to treat you. I still struggle with determining when to speak up. Sometimes I squash the urge and feel helpless afterwards because I keep thinking "I should have said.." Then other times, I'm happy with the fact that I said something but hate the fact that maybe it wasn't said at a time when the other person can truly receive what was said.

Finding that middle ground is and will continue to be an everyday personal struggle. But balance is important and necessary in our lives to maintain a sense of peace.

Today's challenge:

Find areas in your life where balance needs to be created.

Pay attention to any extremes in your life and decide how to balance those issues to find middle ground.

Peace and Blessings,

Serenity and Strength Consulting

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